37 Best Uses of Celery to improve Health Easily

how to store Celery fresh

Celery, a versatile vegetable, boasts a multitude of health benefits and essential nutrients that contribute to overall well-being. Here’s a comprehensive exploration of the various advantages associated with consuming celery:

  1. Negative-Calorie Food: Celery is recognized as a negative-calorie food, requiring more energy to digest than it provides. This results in a net loss of calories, making it a favorable option for those aiming for weight management.
  2. Detoxification Agent: The high fiber content in celery acts as a detoxifying agent for the gut, aiding in the regular elimination of toxins.
  3. Immunity Boost: Rich in vitamin A, celery supports a robust immune system, promotes better vision, and contributes to healthier skin.
  4. Lipid-Lowering Properties: Celery contains 3-n-butylphthalide (BuPh), a unique compound with reported lipid-lowering abilities. Additionally, BuPh has a calming effect on the central nervous system, potentially promoting improved sleep.
  5. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: With around 25 anti-inflammatory compounds, celery protects against body flare-ups that can lead to pain and health issues. Its richness in vitamin K enhances bone density and aids blood clotting, contributing to lower fracture risk.
  6. Blood Pressure Regulation: Celery’s phthalides relax artery walls, promoting increased blood flow and lower blood pressure. The presence of fiber, magnesium, and potassium further aids in blood pressure regulation.
  7. Weight Management: Being low in calories and high in fiber, celery helps in creating a feeling of fullness, facilitating weight loss. Its hydrating properties also prevent dehydration, maintaining energy levels for activity.
  8. Gut Health: Daily consumption of celery juice balances bowel flora, ensuring smooth bowel movements. The vegetable’s high water and fiber content prevents constipation and diarrhea.
  9. Anti-Bacterial Properties: Celery’s flavonoids inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, contributing to the treatment of gastric ulcers.
  10. Liver Health: Studies suggest that a combination of celery, chicory, and barley may promote better liver health.
  11. Stress Reduction: It reduces stress hormones, promoting overall well-being and stress relief.
  12. Diuretic Properties: Celery’s diuretic properties help expel excess water from the body, beneficial for those with recurrent urinary tract infections.
  13. Cancer Prevention: It contains compounds like apigenin and luteolin, linked to the destruction of pancreatic cancer cells. Quercetin, another component, soothes swelling and shows promise as an anti-cancer agent.
  14. Nutrient-Rich Profile: It is abundant in minerals, including calcium, sodium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium. It also contains essential fatty acids and vitamins A, K, C, D, and E, along with various B vitamins.
  15. Asthma Symptom Reduction: Regular consumption of celery may reduce asthma symptoms, with vitamin C preventing free radical damage.
  16. Menstrual Discomfort Relief: Celery eases bloating during menstruation due to its high water content.
  17. Dental Health: Chewing raw celery acts as a natural dental floss, aiding in cleaning teeth.
  18. Aphrodisiac Properties: Celery, rich in male pheromones, acts as a natural aphrodisiac, improving male fertility and sperm count.
  19. Heartburn Remedy: Due to its low acidity, celery is recommended as a remedy for heartburn, offering relief to those with acid reflux.
  20. Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention: A compound called BuPh in celery may prevent the accumulation of brain plaques and tangles associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
  21. Iron Boost: A tablespoon of celery seed provides 17% of the recommended daily value of iron, making it beneficial for those aiming to increase hemoglobin levels.
  22. Mosquito Repellent: Celery oil extract, when applied to the skin, serves as an effective mosquito repellent.

It’s important to note that individuals with allergies should be cautious, and pregnant women should avoid celery seeds due to their potential to cause uterine contractions. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making significant dietary changes.

In addition to the health benefits mentioned earlier, celery offers several other uses and advantages:

  1. Flavorful Culinary Ingredient: Celery adds a crisp and refreshing flavor to various dishes, enhancing soups, stews, salads, and stir-fries.
  2. Natural Appetizer: Celery sticks with peanut butter or hummus make for a nutritious and satisfying snack, ideal for curbing hunger between meals.
  3. Hydration Booster: With its high water content, celery contributes to overall hydration, supporting optimal bodily functions and skin health.
  4. Juicing Ingredient: Celery is a popular choice for juicing, providing a mild taste and numerous nutrients. Celery juice is often consumed for its potential health benefits.
  5. Natural Remedy for Bad Breath: Chewing on celery can help neutralize bad breath, acting as a natural breath freshener.
  6. Companion Planting: Celery is used in gardening as a companion plant, believed to repel certain pests and enhance the growth of neighboring crops.
  7. Aromatic Herb: Celery leaves and seeds are used as an aromatic herb in various cuisines, adding depth of flavor to dishes.
  8. Natural Dye: Its leaves can be used as a natural dye, providing a green hue to certain foods or fabrics.
  9. Preservative: Celery extracts, particularly from seeds, are used in the food industry as natural preservatives due to their antimicrobial properties.
  10. Medicinal Use in Traditional Practices: In traditional medicine, celery has been employed for various purposes, including as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and digestive aid.
  11. Home Decor: Celery with its vibrant green color is sometimes used as a decorative element in homes and events, adding a touch of nature.
  12. Beauty Ingredient: Celery extracts are found in some skincare products, believed to contribute to skin health and radiance.
  13. Natural Repellent: Celery oil is used as a natural insect repellent, providing an eco-friendly alternative to chemical-based options.
  14. Crafting Material: Celery stalks can be used as a creative tool for crafting, making prints with paint or serving as stamps.
  15. Educational Tool: Celery can be utilized as an educational tool in science experiments, showcasing capillary action by observing colored water travel through its vascular system.

These diverse uses highlight celery’s versatility beyond its nutritional and health-promoting qualities.

how to make celery juice

Making celery juice is a straightforward process. Here’s a simple recipe:


  • Fresh celery stalks (organic if possible)
  • Water (optional, for dilution)


  1. Wash Celery:
  • Rinse the celery stalks thoroughly under cold running water. If you’re using organic celery, you may still want to clean it to remove any dirt or debris.

2. Trim Ends

  • Cut off the base and the leafy top of the celery bunch.

3. Chop Celery:

  • Cut the celery into smaller pieces to fit into your juicer. This makes the juicing process more efficient.

4. Juicing:

  • Feed the celery pieces through a juicer. If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a blender and strain the juice afterward using a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth.

5. Strain (if using a blender):

  • After blending the celery, strain the mixture to remove the pulp. Use a fine mesh sieve, cheesecloth, or a nut milk bag to extract the liquid. Press down on the pulp to get the maximum juice.

6. Dilution (optional):

  • If the celery juice is too concentrated for your taste, you can dilute it with water. Add water gradually until you reach your desired concentration.

7. Serve Immediately:

  • Celery juice is best when consumed immediately to preserve its freshness and nutritional benefits. If you can’t drink it right away, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.


  • Use Fresh Celery: For the best flavor and nutritional content, use fresh and crisp celery.
  • Organic Celery: If possible, choose organic celery to reduce exposure to pesticides.
  • Experiment with Flavors: You can enhance the flavor by adding a splash of lemon juice or a small piece of ginger during juicing.

Remember that while celery juice is a popular health trend, it’s essential to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet for overall nutritional balance. Additionally, if you have any health concerns or conditions, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet.

How to store celery (how to keep celery fresh) (How to store Celery fresh)

how to store Celery fresh

Storing celery properly can help maintain its freshness and crispness. Here’s how you can store celery:

  1. Refrigeration:
  • Wrap in Aluminum Foil or Plastic Wrap: Wrap the entire celery bunch tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap. This helps to keep the moisture in and prevent the celery from drying out.
  • Use a Plastic Bag: Alternatively, you can place the wrapped celery in a plastic bag before storing it in the refrigerator.

2. Cut and Store:

  • If you’ve already cut the celery into smaller pieces, store them in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag. Make sure to remove as much air as possible before sealing.

3. Keep Moisture:

  • Celery tends to dry out quickly, so it’s essential to keep some moisture. You can place a damp paper towel or cloth inside the wrapping or bag to maintain humidity.

4. Refrigerator Crisper Drawer:

  • Store the wrapped or bagged celery in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. This compartment helps regulate humidity and keeps the celery fresh.

5. Avoid Freezing:

  • Celery has a high water content, and freezing can make it limp and mushy when thawed. If possible, avoid freezing celery.

6. Trimming:

  • If the celery starts to wilt or lose its crispness, you can refresh it by trimming the ends and placing it in a glass of water in the refrigerator for a few hours.

By following these tips, you can extend the shelf life of celery and keep it fresh for a more extended period.

Can dogs eat celery

Yes, dogs can eat celery in moderation, and it can be a healthy addition to their diet. Celery is low in calories and a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K and potassium. Additionally, it provides fiber, which can be beneficial for a dog’s digestive system.

However, there are some important considerations:

  1. Remove Strings: Before offering celery to your dog, make sure to cut it into small, manageable pieces and remove the stringy parts, as they can be difficult for dogs to digest.
  2. Watch for Choking Hazards: Always supervise your dog while they’re eating celery to prevent choking. Cut the celery into appropriately sized pieces based on the size of your dog.
  3. Avoid Seasonings and Additives: Do not add any seasonings, salt, or other additives to the celery. Dogs do not need added salt, and certain seasonings or spices may be harmful to them.
  4. Consult Your Vet: If your dog has any existing health conditions or is on a specific diet, it’s a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before introducing new foods, including celery.

Remember that while celery can be a healthy treat for dogs, it should not replace their regular balanced dog food. Also, individual dogs may have different tolerances to new foods, so it’s best to introduce any new treats gradually to observe how your dog reacts.

Celery seeds for planting

If you’re considering planting celery from seeds, follow these steps for successful cultivation:

1. Seed Selection:

Opt for high-quality celery seeds from a reliable source, specifically intended for celery cultivation.

2. Timing:

Begin planting celery seeds indoors approximately 10-12 weeks prior to the last frost date in your area. This allows for sufficient establishment before transplanting outdoors.

3. Preparing Containers:

Utilize seedling trays or small pots filled with a suitable seed starting mix. Ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.

4. Sowing Seeds:

Plant celery seeds at a depth of around 1/8 inch in the soil. It’s acceptable to sow multiple seeds per container, later thinning them out if necessary. Gently press the soil over the seeds for good contact.

5. Providing Light and Moisture:

Place the containers in a warm area with indirect sunlight. Keep the soil consistently moist, avoiding overwatering. Covering the containers with plastic wrap or a clear lid can help retain moisture until germination.

6. Germination:

Expect celery seeds to germinate within 2-3 weeks under optimal conditions. Once seedlings emerge, remove any coverings and ensure they receive adequate light.

7. Transplanting:

When seedlings develop several true leaves and become robust enough, transplant them into larger containers or directly into the garden. Space them 8-10 inches apart.

8. Outdoor Planting:

Select a sunny or partially shaded spot in your garden with well-draining, organically rich soil. Celery thrives in slightly acidic to neutral soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.

9. Care and Maintenance:

Maintain consistent soil moisture throughout the growing season, avoiding waterlogging. Apply balanced fertilizer every 3-4 weeks and mulch around plants for moisture retention and weed suppression.

10. Harvesting:

Harvest celery when stalks reach the desired size, typically 3-4 months after planting. You can harvest individual stalks as needed or the entire plant at once.

Following these steps will help you grow celery successfully from seeds, ensuring a fresh, homegrown supply in your garden.


1. Can dogs eat celery?

Ans. Yes.

2. how to keep celery fresh?

Ans. Using a refrigerator, you can store easily.

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