Piles in Women: 6 Causes, Symptoms, Pictures, and Best Treatments

piles in women and types of piles

Discovering effective ways to manage and prevent piles in women is crucial for dealing with this common yet often stigmatized condition. From understanding the causes of exploring treatment options, this blog is your comprehensive guide to addressing piles in females. Join us as we break down the barriers and provide essential insights for a healthier, more comfortable life.

Piles, a prevalent condition affecting people, including females, can cause discomfort and pain when the veins in the rectum or anus become swollen and inflamed. Factors such as constipation, pregnancy, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to its occurrence.

For women, piles can be particularly challenging, bringing discomfort and embarrassment during menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Overcoming the societal stigma associated with piles can make it difficult for women to seek help and support. However, effective management and prevention strategies can significantly improve their quality of life.

In this article, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and treatments for piles in females, providing valuable insights accompanied by illustrative images. We aim to break the silence surrounding this condition, offering guidance and support for women seeking relief. From practical self-care tips to preventative measures, our goal is to empower women with the knowledge they need for a life free from the discomfort of piles.

What is Piles in Women?

Piles in Women support by hands

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, can affect anyone, regardless of gender. However, women, particularly during pregnancy and childbirth, face an increased risk due to added pressure on the veins in the rectal area. This article sheds light on the various aspects of piles in women, exploring the causes, symptoms, and practical solutions for a healthier, more comfortable life.

Piles, commonly known as hemorrhoids, are a condition that affects both men and women. However, the unique experiences of women, especially during pregnancy and childbirth, can elevate the risk of developing piles. The increased pressure on the veins in the rectal area can contribute to the occurrence of this uncomfortable condition. Other risk factors for piles in women include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and a low-fiber diet.

Recognizing the symptoms of piles in women is crucial for timely intervention. These symptoms may manifest as itching, pain, bleeding, and swelling around the anus. Seeking professional advice is essential for an accurate diagnosis and the formulation of an effective treatment plan.

Treatment options for piles in women vary based on the severity of the condition. Lifestyle changes, topical medications, and, in some cases, surgical procedures may be recommended. Consulting with a healthcare professional ensures a personalized approach to address the specific needs of each individual.

In this article, we aim to provide clarity on piles in women, offering valuable insights for those seeking information and support. From understanding the risk factors to exploring symptom management and treatment avenues, our goal is to empower women with the knowledge needed to navigate this common health concern.

Types of Piles in Women

Piles in women manifest in various forms, each requiring specific attention for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. This comprehensive guide explores the different types of piles, shedding light on their characteristics, symptoms, and potential treatments. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for timely intervention and promoting overall well-being.

Piles in women can be categorized into distinct types based on the location and severity of swollen veins in the rectal area. Recognizing these types is essential for prompt diagnosis and tailored treatment. Here’s a breakdown of the various kinds of piles:

  1. External Hemorrhoids:
  • Visible outside the rectal area, causing discomfort during activities like defecation, sitting, or daily physical tasks.
  • Often associated with pain and irritation.
  1. Internal Hemorrhoids:
  • Occur inside the rectum, making them not externally visible.
  • May not exhibit noticeable symptoms and can often resolve on their own.
  • Prolapsed Hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids forced out of the anal opening due to repeated friction and pressure.
  1. Categories of Prolapsed Hemorrhoids:
  • Grade I: Occurs due to pressure or strained defecation, retracting shortly after.
  • Grade II: Hemorrhoids do not retract on their own and need manual pushing back inside.
  • Grade III: The most severe grade, where manual retraction is not possible, leading to intense pain.
  1. Thrombosed Hemorrhoids:
  • Develop a blood clot or “thrombus” within, often at an advanced stage if left untreated.
  • “Thrombectomy” involves removal and drainage of the blood clot for relief.

Understanding the characteristics of each type is crucial for individuals and healthcare professionals alike. Timely intervention and appropriate treatment strategies can significantly improve the management of piles in women. Stay informed, stay empowered.

Symptoms of Piles in Women

Understanding the symptoms of piles in women is crucial for timely intervention and effective management. While some symptoms may be mild and self-resolving, untreated piles can pose serious health risks. In this post, we delve into common signs of piles in females, providing insights to help you recognize and address this often-overlooked condition.

Piles in women, though sometimes accompanied by mild symptoms that may resolve on their own, should not be underestimated. If left untreated, they can lead to complications. Recognizing the signs early on is key to seeking appropriate care. Here are common symptoms of piles in females:

  1. Swelling or Painful Lumps:
  • Piles manifest as swollen veins in the anal area, causing painful lumps or swelling.
  • Lumps can be inside or outside the anus, varying in size.
  1. Pain While Sitting or During Physical Activity:
  • Discomfort or pain during sitting or physical activity, especially if piles are near the anus.
  1. Itching and Irritation in the Anal Area:
  • Itching in the anal area is a significant symptom of piles in females, causing discomfort.
  1. Pain and Discomfort During Defecation:
  • Passing stool can be painful or uncomfortable if piles are inflamed or exert pressure during bowel movements.
  1. Blood in Stools:
  • Piles can lead to bleeding during bowel movements, visible in stools or on toilet paper.
  • Typically bright red and usually not considered serious.
  1. Mucous Discharge While Defecating:
  • Some individuals with piles may experience mucous discharge during bowel movements, generally not serious but uncomfortable.
  1. Bleeding After Defecation:
  • Piles may cause bleeding after bowel movements, necessitating medical attention in some cases.
  1. Feeling of Incomplete Bowel Movement:
  • Piles can cause a sensation of incomplete bowel movement, which can be uncomfortable and distressing.

Recognizing these symptoms empowers women to take proactive steps toward seeking professional advice and exploring appropriate treatment options.

Causes of Piles in Women

Piles in Women: 6 Causes, Symptoms, Pictures, and Best Treatments

Understanding the causes of piles in women is fundamental for preventive care and effective management. In this post, we unravel the factors contributing to the development of hemorrhoids, shedding light on lifestyle choices and conditions that may elevate the risk. Empower yourself with knowledge to steer clear of these triggers and promote a healthier, pile-free life.

Piles, or haemorrhoids, in women often stem from increased pressure in the lower part of the rectum and anal cavity, resulting in veins bulging and forming painful lumps. Identifying the causes is key to taking proactive measures. Here are some common triggers of haemorrhoids in women:

  1. Straining While Passing Stools:
  • Often linked to constipation, straining during bowel movements increases pressure on the veins in the lower rectum and anus.
  • This heightened pressure leads to inflammation and swelling, culminating in the development of haemorrhoids.
  1. Prolonged Sitting or Standing:
  • Extended periods of sitting or standing can restrict blood flow in the lower body, causing veins to swell and enlarge.
  • Addressing lifestyle factors that contribute to prolonged periods of immobility is crucial in preventing haemorrhoids.
  1. Low-Fiber Diet:
  • Insufficient fibre in the diet can result in constipation, as fibre adds bulk to stools by increasing their water content.
  • Constipation, in turn, contributes to the development of piles.
  1. Excess Weight Gain:
  • Pelvic pressure during pregnancy is a common cause of excess weight gain, elevating the risk of developing piles in women.
  • Managing weight and adopting healthy habits during pregnancy can mitigate this risk.
  1. Too Much Weightlifting:
  • Engaging in excessive weightlifting can increase pressure in the lower part of the body, fostering the development of piles.
  1. Obesity or a Sedentary Lifestyle:
  • Lack of physical activity slows metabolism, leading to sluggish bowel movements and increased water absorption in the colon.
  • These factors contribute to the development of piles over time.

Empower yourself with the knowledge of these causes to make informed lifestyle choices and minimize the risk of the piles.

Prevention of Piles in Women

Preventing and managing piles in women involves adopting healthy lifestyle habits that contribute to overall well-being. In this guide, we explore practical steps to minimize the risk of developing piles and alleviate existing symptoms. Empower yourself with these strategies for a healthier, more comfortable life.

Preventing and managing piles in women revolve around cultivating healthy lifestyle habits. These steps not only reduce the risk of developing piles, but also contribute to overall well-being. Here are practical measures to consider:

  1. Avoid Sitting for Prolonged Periods:
  • Prolonged sitting increases pressure on the veins around the anus, elevating the risk of developing piles.
  • Take breaks, stand, and stretch to relieve pressure on the anal area.
  1. Respond Promptly to Nature’s Call:
  • Delaying a trip to the bathroom can lead to dried stool, causing difficulties in passage and straining on venous cushions.
  • Listen to your body’s signals and respond promptly to avoid complications.
  1. Tailor Your Diet:
  • Diet plays a crucial role in determining stool consistency. A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains minimizes the risk of constipation.
  • Include fiber-rich foods in your daily meals to promote digestive health.
  1. Add Fiber Supplements:
  • Consider incorporating fiber supplements into your routine to meet daily requirements.
  • Ayurvedic options like Triphala and Isabgol can be effective in preventing the progression of haemorrhoids.
  1. Stay Hydrated:
  • Dehydration can lead to harder stools, making bowel movements more challenging.
  • Aim to drink a minimum of 2-3 liters of water per day to maintain hydration and support vital bodily functions.
  1. Regular Exercise:
  • Exercise aids in weight management and promotes overall health.
  • Consult a fitness professional or healthcare provider to choose suitable exercises, especially for pregnant women.
  1. Maintain Adequate Body Weight:
  • Overweight and obese women are more susceptible to developing piles due to increased pressure on the veins surrounding the rectum.
  • Prioritize a balanced diet, regular exercise, and hydration to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Empower yourself with these proactive measures to prevent and manage piles in women.

Treatment of Piles in Women without Surgery

In the realm of managing piles in women, surgery is sometimes necessary in severe cases. However, several non-surgical treatment options exist to effectively alleviate symptoms and promote healing. This article explores these gentle alternatives, ranging from home remedies to over-the-counter medications, providing women with practical choices for a more comfortable and non-invasive approach.
When it comes to addressing piles in women, non-surgical treatments offer a range of options to manage symptoms and facilitate healing. While surgery may be necessary in severe cases, these non-invasive alternatives provide effective relief. Here are some non-surgical treatment options for piles in women:

Home Remedies for Piles in Women:

  1. Sitz Bath:
  • Soaking the affected anal area in warm water for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day, can enhance blood flow and relax muscles around the anal region.
  • For detailed instructions, check out “How to Take a Sitz Bath: Procedure and Benefits.”

Over-the-Counter Treatments:

  1. Hydrocortisone Ointment:
  • An ointment containing hydrocortisone can be purchased to quickly relieve pain and discomfort associated with piles.
  • Typically, these haemorrhoid creams effectively address the area within a couple of days.
  1. Stool Softeners:
  • Medications designed to soften stools can alleviate constipation, making bowel movements easier and reducing the risk of straining and irritation.
  1. Pain Relievers:
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen are effective in managing pain associated with piles.
  1. Ice Packs:
  • Applying a cold compress to the affected area can reduce swelling and provide soothing relief.

Homeopathic Medicines in Piles of Women

Homeopathic medicines are the best options for the treatment of piles of women. Before treatment with homeopathic medicines it is important to know that how homeopathy works. Homeopathic medicines do not treat only the disease, but also treat the person’s constitution. In this condition it changes the person’s entire body functions and also disease disappears from the body. There are so many medicines, which works very well in case of piles of women, can be easily cured by homeopathic medicines such as Aloe Socotrina, Aesculus hip, Collinsonia, and Nitric acid etc.

These non-surgical options empower women with choices for managing piles without the need for invasive procedures. While considering these alternatives, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Nourishing Choices: Dietary Strategies for Managing Piles in Women

For women dealing with piles (hemorrhoids), dietary changes play a pivotal role in alleviating symptoms and promoting digestive health. This article explores the benefits of a high-fibre diet and other dietary considerations to help prevent constipation and enhance regular bowel movements. Empower yourself with these nourishing choices for a more comfortable and symptom-free life.
Managing piles in women involves adopting dietary changes that contribute to overall digestive health. A high-fibre diet, in particular, is known to be beneficial in preventing constipation and supporting regular bowel movements. Consider incorporating the following fibre-rich foods into your daily meals:


  • Apples, Pears, Berries, and Prunes:
  • These fruits are excellent sources of dietary fibre, aiding in smoother digestion.


  • Broccoli, Carrots, Leafy Greens, and Sweet Potatoes:
  • Incorporating a variety of vegetables into your diet provides essential nutrients and contributes to fibre intake.

Whole Grains:

  • Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Whole-Wheat Bread, and Whole-Grain Pasta:
  • Opt for whole grains to add bulk to stools and promote regular bowel movements.


  • Beans, Lentils, and Chickpeas:
  • Rich in fibre, legumes contribute to digestive health and help prevent constipation.

In addition to a fibre-rich diet, staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining optimal digestive function. Drinking plenty of water and other fluids supports the passage of stools and minimizes the risk of constipation.

To further manage symptoms of piles, it is advisable to avoid certain foods. Steering clear of processed foods, fried items, and spicy dishes can help reduce discomfort and promote digestive comfort.

For a more comprehensive understanding of dietary choices for piles, you can explore additional insights at “Best and Worst Food For Piles in Hindi.”

Empower yourself with these dietary strategies to manage piles in women effectively.

Exploring Non-Surgical Medical Treatments for Piles: Options and Benefits

For individuals seeking alternatives to surgical procedures, non-surgical medical treatments offer effective solutions for managing piles (hemorrhoids). Now we talk about various non-surgical options, each designed to shrink and alleviate the discomfort associated with piles. Discover the benefits of treatments like Electrotherapy, Sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, rubber band ligation, cryotherapy, and Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation.
When it comes to managing piles without resorting to surgery, several non-surgical medical treatments provide viable options. These procedures aim to shrink haemorrhoids and alleviate associated discomfort. Let’s explore these non-surgical alternatives in detail:

1. Electrotherapy:

  • A non-surgical treatment where piles are subjected to an electric current to induce shrinkage.
  • This method is designed to reduce the size of haemorrhoids without the need for invasive procedures.

2. Sclerotherapy:

  • Involves injecting a liquid into the piles, causing them to shrink in size.
  • Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive approach that aims to reduce the symptoms associated with haemorrhoids.

3. Infrared Coagulation:

  • Utilizes infrared light to cut off the blood supply to haemorrhoids, leading to their shrinkage.
  • An outpatient procedure that offers a non-surgical solution for individuals seeking relief from piles.

4. Rubber Band Ligation:

  • In this method, a ligator and rubber bands are used to cut off haemorrhoids from their blood supply.
  • This leads to withering and eventual detachment of the haemorrhoids, offering a non-surgical removal option.

5. Cryotherapy:

  • Involves the therapeutic application of freezing temperatures to destroy tissues.
  • Cryotherapy is a non-surgical approach that targets haemorrhoids with freezing temperatures to induce shrinkage.

6. Doppler-Guided Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation:

  • Cuts off the arterial supply to the rectum and anal canal, resulting in fibrosis (shrinkage).
  • This procedure offers a targeted and non-surgical solution for managing haemorrhoids.

These non-surgical medical treatments provide individuals with choices for addressing piles without undergoing surgery. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable option based on individual needs and conditions.

Surgery of piles in women

When non-surgical approaches prove ineffective, surgical treatments become the final option for managing haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoidectomy, a surgical procedure involving the removal of piles, is typically recommended for large or severe cases. In this article, we explore the three types of haemorrhoidectomy procedures—Open Haemorrhoidectomy, Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy, and Laser Haemorrhoidectomy—shedding light on their characteristics and considerations. Additionally, we address the implications for pregnant women, emphasizing the need for caution during the third trimester.

For cases where non-surgical interventions fall short, surgical treatments become the ultimate recourse in managing hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidectomy, the surgical removal of piles, is considered when hemorrhoids are large or severe. Let’s delve into the three types of hemorrhoidectomy procedures:

1. Open Hemorrhoidectomy:

  • A traditional surgical procedure involving the removal of haemorrhoids using a scalpel.
  • This method is effective for large or severe haemorrhoids, providing comprehensive removal.

2. Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy:

  • A less invasive procedure that employs a stapling device to remove haemorrhoids.
  • Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy is designed to minimize tissue trauma, promoting a quicker recovery.

3. Laser Hemorrhoidectomy:

  • Utilizes a laser to vaporize and remove hemorrhoid tissue.
  • This advanced surgical option aims to reduce bleeding and discomfort associated with traditional methods.

While these surgical options offer effective solutions, it’s crucial to note that they are not preferred for pregnant women due to potential complications that may pose risks to both the mother and the growing foetus. The risk of complications is notably higher in the third trimester of pregnancy compared to earlier stages.

Caution and thorough consideration are paramount when contemplating surgical treatments for haemorrhoids during pregnancy. It is advisable for pregnant women to consult with their healthcare providers to explore safer alternatives and make informed decisions that prioritize maternal and foetal well-being.

Understanding the Risks: Complications of Untreated Piles in Women

While piles may seem like a common ailment, leaving them untreated, can lead to various complications that significantly impact a woman’s well-being. This article sheds light on the potential complications of untreated piles, emphasizing the importance of seeking timely medical attention to prevent and manage these risks. From thrombosis to psychological distress, understanding these complications is crucial for maintaining a high quality of life.
Untreated piles can give rise to a range of complications, each posing potential challenges to a woman’s overall health and quality of life. Being aware of these complications is essential, urging women to seek medical attention when symptoms arise. Here are some potential complications of untreated piles:

1. Thrombosis:

  • Occurs when a blood clot forms in the haemorrhoid, leading to severe pain and swelling.
  • Timely intervention is crucial to manage thrombosis and alleviate discomfort.

2. Infection:

  • If a haemorrhoid becomes infected, it can result in symptoms such as fever, chills, and severe pain.
  • Seeking prompt medical attention is vital to address and manage infections effectively.

3. Faecal Incontinence:

  • Chronic straining during bowel movements can weaken the muscles controlling bowel function.
  • This may lead to involuntary bowel movements, highlighting the importance of early intervention.

4. Strangulation:

  • Occurs when a haemorrhoid becomes trapped outside the anal opening, cutting off its blood supply.
  • This leads to severe pain and tissue death, underscoring the need for immediate medical attention.

5. Anaemia:

  • Prolonged bleeding from haemorrhoids can result in anaemia, leading to fatigue and weakness.
  • Early detection and management of bleeding are critical to prevent anaemic complications.

6. Psychological Distress:

  • Chronic haemorrhoid symptoms, including pain, bleeding, and itching, can contribute to anxiety, depression, and social isolation.
  • Addressing these symptoms early on can help mitigate psychological distress.

Understanding the risks associated with untreated piles empowers women to prioritize their health and seek timely medical care.

Piles in Pregnant Women

Pregnancy brings about numerous changes in a woman’s body, and one common concern that may arise is the development of hemorrhoids. Particularly prevalent during the third trimester and post-childbirth, these occurrences can be attributed to various factors. This article delves into the reasons behind the development of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, shedding light on the impact of increased blood volume, constipation, and strenuous childbirth. Learn how to manage and prevent this discomfort by incorporating lifestyle changes during pregnancy.

The journey of pregnancy is a transformative and rewarding experience, but it can also come with its share of challenges, including the development of hemorrhoids. Especially common during the third trimester and in the days following childbirth, hemorrhoids in pregnant women can be influenced by several factors. Let’s explore the prominent reasons behind the occurrence of hemorrhoids during pregnancy:

1. Increased, Blood Volume:

  • Nearly 50% of pregnant women experience the development of hemorrhoids.
  • The primary contributor to this is the significant increase in blood volume during pregnancy, leading to the swelling of the veins.

2. Constipation:

  • Constipation is another prevalent factor in the development of haemorrhoids in pregnant women.
  • The rise in progesterone hormone levels during pregnancy can reduce gut motility, slowing down bowel movements and contributing to the formation of haemorrhoids.

3. Post-Childbirth Strain:

  • Strenuous deliveries can result in the development of haemorrhoids in the days following childbirth.
  • While this is an unpleasant aspect of postpartum recovery, incorporating lifestyle changes can help mitigate the risk.

Understanding the reasons behind haemorrhoids during pregnancy empowers women to take proactive steps in managing and preventing this discomfort. Lifestyle changes, including dietary modifications and maintaining regular bowel habits, play a crucial role in promoting optimal digestive health during pregnancy.

For a more detailed exploration of managing hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you can refer to “Piles during Pregnancy.”


Piles, a common condition among women, can be uncomfortable and painful, but the good news is that they are generally treatable. By incorporating straightforward lifestyle changes and exploring non-surgical treatment options, women can take proactive steps to manage their symptoms and enhance their overall quality of life.

Empower yourself to enjoy optimal health and well-being by taking proactive steps to prevent and manage piles. With HexaHealth’s expert guidance and a commitment to a proactive approach, women can minimize the impact of piles on their daily lives. Don’t let discomfort persist—visit our website now to connect with our team of professionals and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more comfortable life.


1. What is the main cause of piles in women?

In the contemporary workforce, individuals across genders often find themselves immersed in jobs that necessitate prolonged periods of sitting. This sedentary lifestyle can have notable repercussions, particularly affecting the hip area where the pressure exerted can lead to the widening of the gluteal muscles. This seemingly innocuous consequence can have more profound effects than one might realize. The stretching of the small veins around the anus and rectum, induced by the persistent pressure on the hip area, can result in painful swelling and contribute to the development of hemorrhoids in women.

2. How do you treat piles in women?

a. Maintain Adequate Hydration and High Fiber Diet:
Ensure ample fluid intake and incorporate fiber-rich foods into your diet to promote soft stools.
b. Gentle Cleansing by Damp Toilet Paper:
When cleaning, use damp toilet paper to avoid irritation and maintain gentle hygiene.
c. Manage Pain with Homeopathic Medicines Naturally:
If you experience pain from hemorrhoids, consider taking Homeopathic Medicines as a pain relief option.
d. Alleviate Discomfort with Warm Baths:
Ease itching and pain by taking warm baths, which can provide soothing relief.
e. Use Ice Packs for Comfort:
Apply an ice pack, wrapped in a towel, to the affected area to reduce discomfort and swelling.
f. Carefully Reintroduce Prolapsed Hemorrhoids:
Gently push a prolapsed hemorrhoid back inside if possible, but exercise caution to avoid further irritation.
g. Maintain Cleanliness and Dryness:
Keep the anal area clean and dry to prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoid symptoms.
h. Incorporate Regular Exercise:
Engage in regular physical activity to promote overall bowel health and minimize the risk of hemorrhoid development.
Remember, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your specific situation.

3. Is Walking good for piles?

Consistent physical activity promotes optimal bowel health and serves as a preventive measure against the development of hemorrhoids. Engaging in aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes each day, encourages proper bowel function. It is advisable, however, to refrain from wearing tight leggings or pants, as they may exacerbate the discomfort associated with protruding hemorrhoids.

4. Which food is not good for piles?

Foods to Avoid if You Have Hemorrhoids:
a. Cheese
b. Chips
c. Fast Foods as Samoa etc.
d. Ice Cream
e. Non veg and alcohol
f. Prepared Foods, including certain frozen and snack items
g. Processed Foods, such as hot dogs and certain microwavable dinners

5. Which food is good for piles?

Incorporate the following examples into your diet for a piles-friendly approach: spinach, fenugreek, celery, radish greens, fruits, high fiber rich foods and mustard greens. Opt for whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, bran cereals, whole grain flour, or multi-grain bread, as they are beneficial foods for managing piles.

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